We have a wide variety of programs created just for Schools. We believe in programs
with a message. It's vital that while we have the students attention we communicate something of worth to them. For that reason
we've created the programs you see below. Be sure to check out my Testimonials page to see what other
Schools had to say about our programs.
The Magic of you - This is a celebration of each child's uniqueness.
many children suffer from low self esteem. This magic based program features them and what makes them special. We talk about
not comparing themselves with others. As you know this is a trap we all fall into far to often. Instead we emphasize competing
with ourselves. It's good to strive to do better as long as our competition is based on personal growth and not an attempt
to be better than somebody else. We use all kinds of hillarious situation comedy as well as a puppet to make these points
memorabe. The program is a ton of fun while at the same time teaching valuable lessons you're probably already teaching yourself.
Safety Is No mystery - This program features common sense safety
rules to help keep children safe. Topics such as - traffic safety are covered in a fun and entertaining manner insuring that
the lessons will "stick". each year we offer a Halloween safety program as well that covers important issues such as, dress
bright at night and travel in groups. We really emphasize to never eat any of the candy until it's been checked by an adult.
Once again this program reinforces many things you'll be talking about in the classroom.
A Drug Free ME - The title says it all. Drugs abuse is a national
epidemic. It's the sad truth that many children are exposed to drugs a younger age all the time. It's important to equip our
children to make wise decisions when they make their choices concerning the use of drugs. If we want them to say NO, we have
to teach them why to say no. Once again we use magic, comedy music all to give them the information they need in a way
which will stick in their memories.
The Magic Of Reading - This is one of our most popular programs
that we feature at schools,day cares and libraries each year with great success. We talk about getting started. it's tough
to get children to read these days. We're competing with computer games and televison shows. We present a book as a great
adventure that they don't want to miss out on.
Mr.J's A Ton Of Fun Show - Yes we offer a good old fahioned
just for the fun of it magic presentation. This is perfect for reward type program or a family night program after school
is over. just let us know what kind of event it is and we'll create a program just for you.
A Clown is Born- This is a great learning tool and very
popular around Halloween. Misss Kathleen comes in and talks about the history of clowns. Thru her story telling
the children are transported into the world of theatre - as she takes the children back in time to the first clowns.
She then becomes CoCo the clown right in front of them. The children are amazed to watch her put her make up and her
costume on right before thier very eyes. If it is a small group she will teach them how to make a balloon animal
at the end of the program. Larger groups she can just have balloons made up ahead of time so each have a balloon and
a hand out to take home.
Story Telling with Miss Kathleen - Miss Kathleen has
been telling stories all over the United States for the past 25 years. She has kept kids on the edge of thier seats
as they not only hear stories- but become activly involved in them. She brings children up and dresses them up and has
them become the charactors in her stories. The children Laugh as they watch thier peers become Grandma, the pet man and all the animals in the story. All of her stories teach important lessons in life.
But No Elephants teaches that we need to be willing to try new things. Abalard teaches them the importance of making
right choices in life. I also have self esteem stories and stories about not listening to peer preasure but being your
own person. Each story is delivered in a fun interactive way that makes the children laugh and have fun.
Puppet Power - This is a fabulous program
for all ages. The puppets interact with the students and Miss Kathleen for a host of fun. We have Tweedsmore the
Bird that doesn't know how to fly. He learns he can do anything he sets his mind to. We have Grumpy old Grandma
who learns that she must be friendly if she wants to have friends. Christopher the Catapiller turns into a butterfly
and Mr. Johnson the Magician is great fun. The children love it when he picks an audience member to come up and
do a magic trick with him. Each puppet teaches a valuable lesson but does it in a fun way. This is one of our
most popular programs and the children often times ask "Can we see that again" when we are done. It is totally
different then most puppet shows that you have seen- the children interact with them and come to love them and hate to see
them go.
Mr J Entertainment offers many in house classes that work great for
1. Mr. J Magic Class- Mr. J can teach your students 1-3 magic tricks that they make
and learn how to perform. We bring all the supplies. Each child will walk out having learned 1-3 tricks.
2. CoCo's Clown Class- This works wonderful after you had a clown
is born program. CoCo sets up stations and the children learn how to
do Makeup, Balloon animals, Costumes, and juggling. We switch so each child gets
15 minutes at each station. This is a lot of fun.
3.Puppet Class- After having Puppet power we can have a class learn
first hand what it is really like to be a puppeteer. This is an interactive class that allows the students to
learn about voices, characters and actually try thier hand with professional puppets. We can also have them make
a puppet out of a paper bag if thier is time.
PRICING - Our standard pricing policy is as follows- One program
cost $250.00, Two Shows occuring the same day back to back cost $450.00. For 3 or more shows on the same day call for
special discounts.
GREAT NEWS - how would you like to get a presentation by Mr.J for
FREE. That's right we've come up with several ways for your school to get our services with out paying us any money out
of your budget at all... Call us at (716) 592-6351 for all the details.