~ Magic Shows By Mr. J ~
Here's the number one reason to have the magic of Mr. J at your next event. Just look at the children's
faces in the picture above. The magic really keeps their attention. They're also excited because they know they could be the
next one Mr.J picks to come up and help with the magic. Audience participation is one of the key elements in a Mr.J magic
program. Mr.J has been seen at events all over the country. Some of these include: The Erie County Fair, AM Buffalo, Buffalo
Bisons, The Channel 7 Childfare. He's also been at many of the schools, daycares,libraries and Healthcare centers in Western,NY.
Give us a call and let me put my expereince to work for you at your next event...
A Clown Is Born ~
This is a program your audience will remember for a long time to come. Watch,
as Kathleen puts on all that "gooeey, yuckieeee" make-up. She shows your audience exactly what it takes to become a professional
clown. Kathleen also explains how clowning got started and what the different kinds of clowns are. This is a program that
thrills audiences of all ages. It's been very successful for youngsters that are afraid of clowns. Kathleen's slow transformation
into CoCo the clown proves to them that there is a real person underneathe all that make-up. Many day care centers and schools
have her perform for just that reason...
~ Clowning by CoCo The Clown ~
CoCo The Clown is loved by children all over the country. She offers a variety of exciting services. She tells some
of the most hillarious stories that you'll hear anywhere. You won't believe you eyes as the children dress up and play the
parts in the stories she tells. CoCo can also teach a clowning class. Yes, your young people will learn how to become a clown.
make-up, juggling, and learning how to make a balloon animal are all part of thie exciting program. A Clown is born is an
exciting program that features Kathleen coming in to your facility and becoming a clown right in front of your eyes. Watch
as she tells you about clown while putting on her make up and costume. This program has been very popular at daycares and
nursing homes.
Imagination Theatre presents...SAMEVILLE -
This is a story that teaches the importance of being yourself.
We all know that peer presure greatly influences our young people today. This program teaches that the we don't have to be
like anybody else to be acceptable. The fact is we're perfect just the way we are. Watch as I transform myself into 3 different
charcaters as I tell the story of Sameville. Sameville is a place where nobody dares to be different. Everybody just acts
the same as everybody else. The children's faces light up as this transformation takes place right before their eyes. In the
end they learn that they need to be themselves.
~Puppet Shows~
Puppet Power is a fantastic program that children and adults alike
just love. These puppets get into all kinds of trouble that the children help them get out of. These characters sing all kinds
of songs that teach about important issues. Some of these issues include: What to do if you get lost. Being careful of strangers
and practicing good safety rules. The children really listen to everything the puppets say. This is a great prgram that fits
easily in to any teaching type atmosphere.
~ Story Telling ~
Just below is a picture of Kathleen performing some very interactive
story telling. Notice the children are dressed up to act out the parts in the stories she tells. The children just love being
a part of the action. You won't believe how some of them just "blossom" as they become the stars of the show. Kathleen can
also perform her story telling dressed as CoCo the clown. Eaither way the children love it...
We offer a wide variety of programs. Many
of these are educational in nature. Celebrate the magic of you is a look at just special
we all are as individuals. The magic of reading, is a great program for schools, daycares,
and libraries. It's a fun program that features the theme of just how important reading is. Safety
is no Mystery features the importance of common sense safety rules as it's main theme. We also offer sesonal programs
for holidays such as Halloween and Christmas. Given enough time we can custom design a program to meet you exact needs...
Call us today and reserve your dates. Each year I turn down many programs due to prior bookings. In fact, it's a good
idea to have a couple of dates in mind when you contact us. There's a good chance we'll have to search
for an open date. Please call us now while it's still fresh in your mind.
What's All This Fun Going To Cost Me?.
I Know What You're thinking. "What do these programs cost"? To answer that I need more information from you. Just click the
BOOK Mr.J LINK below and fill out the web form. I'll get back to you ASAP with a price quote.
Our services include:
***NEW FOR 2005/2006***
It's been our
pleasure to perform at all kinds of events. Some of them include: Schools, Daycares, Libraries, Youth Centers, County Fairs,
Festivals, Birthdays and many other events too numerous to mention. Call us and we'll create a program to fit your needs...
Here is what past customers have to say
about our programs...
Magic Shows-
"The entertainment by Mr. J was one of the highlights of our Head Start
Carnival. Although our children are still quite young, you were able to hold their attention for a long time. This is cetainly
a tribute to your obvious connection and ability to entertain children of all ages. Not only were the children entertained
but so were their parents..."
~Michelle M. Torres~
A Clown is Born -
"Kathleen arrived early and was ready to go as scheduled. She was very bubbly
and her enthusiasm was catchy. The children really, really enjoyed her. She especially made friends with one little girl who
was terrified of clowns. By the end of the program she did not want CoCo to leave."
~Carol Veach~
CoCo the Clown
"CoCo was well received by everyone at the program. she was quick, entertaining
and funny. She did face painting and balloon animals as well as some funny magic. everyone was having an enjoyable time .
we'd love to have her perform here again."
~Donna Locker~
Imagination Theater- Sameville
"The children loved the performance. We loved the puppet and the blinds
with the different houses on them. The children loved being able to participate in the performance. The children would
love to have you
back again."
Puppet Shows
"We enjoyed your performance very much. You kept the kids attention and made them laugh.
You also had the older kids and residents attention as well. Everyone was laughing and enjoying the show. " I guess were all
kids at heart". I would love to hire you again and will refer you to people looking for good entertainment. Thank you for
a great show."
~Terry Cetkovic~
Story Telling
"I want to thank you for performing at our child
care center over the last ten years. Our children have loved every moment of it. Your expertise and wonderful sense of humor
have kept our children and adults in stitches. Thank you for your professional and friendly entertainment. You are truly a
master of your craft. Please feel free to use me as a refrence."
~ Lynn Norberg ~
Children are always involved in the program! |
As you can see the audience is very much involved in our programs.
We know they love to be a part of the action. You count on us to create memories that will last a life time. It's not uncomomon
for young adults to coame up and tell me "I remember you from when I was a kid". Call and let us create some memories for
your group.
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